Annika Turba-Kickoff Speaker for 2014-2015 Season Oct. 6, 2014
News Release— FREE Natural Health classes- Fermented Foods Demonstration
The Free Natural Health class series in Sheboygan is pleased to announce that Annika Turba RN, will be our special guest speaker on Monday, October 6 at 7 p.m. Annika is a teacher of the Weston A. Price Foundation principles that support nutrient dense foods in traditional diets.
Dr. Weston Price, a nutrition pioneer and dentist, conducted research on non-industrialized peoples to find out what they ate that made them so healthy and live so long. He discovered their traditional diets included whole, natural, nutrient-dense locally raised foods. The Foundation’s website lists their dietary guidelines to include: leafy green and root vegetables, naturally raised eggs, meats, seafood, cod-liver oil, fresh fruits, and eating enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments.
Annika will speak about all of these topics and provide a demonstration of fermenting vegetables.
Free Natural Health classes are offered on the first and third Monday nights throughout the school year from 7-9 p.m. at the NorthShore Gathering in the old ‘Gotta Golf’ building in Sheboygan just west of Memorial Mall. Each week features a guest speaker followed by a question and answer period.
All classes are free, although a free-will offering is encouraged, and the public is welcome! Future Fall classes include: Healthy Fats, Understanding the benefits of a low carb, insulin resistant diet and how to prepare simple delicious low carb, wheat free meals; and learning about the 12 essential oils and the Maker’s and Daniel diets from ancient scriptures.
For more information, go to or call Claudia Bricks at 920-457-0525.