Next classes. . .

Join us on Nov. 3 to hear Dr. Mike Saatkamp talk about Low carb- Insulin Resistance and their effects on Brain Function.

On Nov 17th, Dr. Mike’s presentation will be followed by many of our own classmates teaching us how to cook Low Carb, Insulin Resistant, Wheat Free and delicious meals. Sandy Bahr and others.

Also, Nature’s Sunshine Products offered Education Week Oct. 20-24, 2014.  To view them- Go to:  You will have to sign in with your name and email address and use my NSP Account Number: 1395350 to view the recorded webinars. They are quite good. Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel is from Green Bay! His talk on Sleep is excellent!
Finally, for those of you who dare to join me. . .  sign up for the Zumba class offered by the Rec. Dept. at Farnsworth on Tuesdays from Oct. 28-Dec 9 from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m.  or call 459-4021 to register.   Better yet, just drop in and pay the $3. to see if you like it. I started this in September and found that I enjoyed it, especially after giving myself permission to embrace being a beginner, looking goofy and not doing exactly what the instructor does (since my body doesn’t move that way yet).

See you Monday!

Claudia J. Bricks N.D.