Acupuncturist Jamey Johnston
Join us on Monday April 27 at 7 p.m. to visit with Jamey, an acupuncturist from North Cape Acupuncture. Jamey is a board certified Acupuncturist practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Sheboygan at the Wholistic Health Center, and at North Cape Acupuncture, LLC in Shorewood. He holds a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, and began practicing in 2006. He joined the Wholistic Health Center to help continue their mission of expanding the availability of complementary holistic health care to the Sheboygan community. He sees patients there on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Says Jamey– “I had been interested in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for many years prior to experiencing this form of medicine. In 2000, I injured my knee in a car accident. After a full year I was still experiencing a significant amount of pain. My primary care physician at the time could only offer me pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication. Not wanting the side effects of these types of drugs, I went to my first acupuncture appointment. The results were fantastic! I experienced over 90% improvement in the pain with only three treatments. I was hooked. I wanted to be able to help people, who like myself, weren’t getting relief with mainstream medicine. The more people I treat with acupuncture the happier I am knowing there are more people living their lives with less pain and debilitating illness.”
About Acupuncture: When there is an imbalance in the Yin/Yang system,( or qi) and blood fails to flow smoothly we experience illness, pain, and disease. Through the use of Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, diet changes, and lifestyle recommendations, certified acupuncturists like Jamey are able to address these imbalances to restore health, reduce pain, and stimulate the body’s ability to heal.
About Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system which can successfully treat a full range of diseases, illnesses, and pain whether acute, chronic, traumatic, infectious, or internally generated. In particular, Traditional Chinese Medicine is often an excellent and effective choice in the early stages of a disease. It can often help when illness and pain are not effectively treated by modern allopathic medicine. Furthermore, TCM can be used in a complementary fashion with allopathic medicine to improve the healing process.
Click Here for Symptoms Acupuncture Helps
The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly noted that Traditional Chinese Medicine/Oriental Medicine, is effective in treating a range of illnesses and disease. Click Here for a list of disorders on which TCM is effective.