Healthy Fat and the Importance of Eating Locally Grown Foods- Oct. 20 at 7 p.m.
News Release— FREE Natural Health classes- Healthy Fat and the Importance of Eating Locally Grown Foods- Oct. 20 at 7 p.m.
The Free Natural Health class series in Sheboygan is pleased to announce that Dave Turba, will be our special guest speaker on Monday, October 20 at 7 p.m. David is a member of the local Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter that supports nutrient dense foods in traditional diets.
Dr. Weston Price, a nutrition pioneer and dentist, travelled the globe to live with and interview indigenous peoples to research their diets and discover why eating raw, natural, whole local foods made them so healthy and live so long. The Foundation’s website lists their dietary guidelines to include diet and lifestyle recommendations for optimum health. Dr. Price discovered that when these isolated indigenous peoples began adopting the “Western” diet, their dental as well as physical health suffered!
David will speak about all of these topics and a host of others. He will zero in on the vital fat –soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. Raw and organic milk, cream, dairy, eggs, and meat are mainstays of the Weston Price dietary recommendations. We hear that David can talk on just about anything. . . so bring your questions and be ready to learn a whole lot about Healthy Foods!
Free Natural Health classes are offered on the first and third Monday nights throughout the school year from 7-9 p.m. at the NorthShore Gathering in the old ‘Gotta Golf’ building in Sheboygan just west of Memorial Mall. Each week features a guest speaker followed by a question and answer period.
All classes are free, although a free-will offering is encouraged, and the public is welcome! Future Fall classes include: Understanding the benefits of a low carb, insulin resistant diet with Dr. Mike Saatkamp. How to prepare simple delicious low carb, wheat free meals with Sandy Bahr and others from our class; and learning about the 12 essential oils and the Maker’s and Daniel diets from ancient scriptures with Claudia and Mary Ellen Schmidley. (This will be fun!)
For more information, go to
or call Claudia Bricks at 920-457-0525.