News Release: Audrey Aardappel on Thought Field Therapy
News Release— FREE Natural Health classes- Thought Field Therapy
The Free Natural Health class series in Sheboygan is pleased to announce that behavior scientist and licensed clinical social worker Audrey Aardappel will be our special guest speaker on Monday, November 18 at 7 p.m. Her topic “Emotions- Tapping Away Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression” will be of interest to anyone who is currently looking for accurate information about how to address any traumatic experience in their life that prevents them from being the healthiest person they can be.
Audrey has worked in the field of behavioral health since 1976 with early experience in child welfare and county human services. Since completing her Master’s program she has been a clinical social worker and psychotherapist. Early in her career she was struck by the horrendous trauma many people experienced in their lives. This led her to focus on trauma for her training and work. During her training to maintain her certification as a trauma specialist in 1998 she went to a workshop by accident on Thought Field Therapy (TFT), a new approach to therapy developed by Dr. Roger Callahan in 1978 in California. She has studied with Dr. Callahan ever since and expanded her knowledge and expertise in this new field. TFT is in energy based therapy using the same energy fields that acupuncture uses. It can be used for a variety of issues from anxiety, phobias, trauma, unwanted behavior, as well as for performance enhancement in the field of sports. TFT can help with most issues that people want to change. It has a diagnostic component that tailors it to each individual person. Audrey has used it for the last fifteen years with dramatic results.
Free Natural Health classes are offered each Monday night throughout the school year from 7-9 p.m. at the NorthShore Gathering in the old ‘Gotta Golf’ building in Sheboygan just west of Memorial Mall and the Driver’s License Examining station. Each week features either a guest speaker or an informative natural health video followed by a question and answer period.
All classes are free and the public is welcome! Future Fall classes include: Memory Improvement; Baby Boomer Health, and Keeping Spirits Bright During the Holidays. In January, we will do a 3 week book study on The Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis, M.D.
For more information, go to or call Claudia Bricks at 920-457-0525.