
We no longer offer these classes as we are in need of a new home. If you know of a meeting room available for a free or nominal fee, please let me know.

Our presenters practice or reside in the Sheboygan area. They are experts in their respective fields and are pleased to donate their time and talents to inform us of their passions. Some presenters are listed based on their content that will be studied or viewed within our course.

Past Presenters:

Claudia Bricks, N.D.  |

Annika & Dave Turba  |       Oct. 6 & 20, 2014

Campaign for Real Milk Presentation from Weston A. Price Foundation

Mike Saatkamp, D.C.  | 604 Michigan Ave. 920-459-8475    Nov. 3

MaryEllen Schmidley  |  Falls-Salon and Massage               Dec. 1

The Makers Diet  |                  Dec. 1

GMO Foods: Seeds of Destruction  |                               Jan. 19, 2015     

Dr. Dirk Dulmes, D.C.  |                 Feb. 2, 2015

Eileen Dreczka  |                               Feb. 16, 2015

Lilla Mueller  |                  March 2, 2015

Dr. Donna Abfall  |                                 March 16, 2015

Healthy Bees- Hal and Kathryn Ribich   |                             April 13, 2015  

Feed ALL the Pollinators by Adding Clover to Your Lawn                                                                   by Joanne Friedman, email:

Jamey Johnston  |            April 27, 2015

John Reitz, D.C.  |

Matt Stephens, D.C.  |

Deb Guenterberg  |

Amy Endru, D.C.  |

Steven Horne, Clinical Herbalist  |

Audrey Aardappel  |

Kate Baer  |  — Mental Health America

Dr. William Davis, author from Wauwatosa, WI |

Craig Stefanczyk, D.C.  |

Michael Nauschultz, LMT  |

Lori & Ryan Johnson  |